18 Bichon Frise Mixed Breeds: Which Cross Should You Get?

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Bichon Frise Mixed Breeds: Which Cross Is the Best?A true bichon frise is a relatively rare breed that isn’t always available, despite being the adorable and ideal companion. On the other hand, more breeders breed so-called “designer dogs” or create bichon frise crossbreeds and mixed breeds.

In some cases, a bichon frise mixed breed may be a good option for you and your lifestyle. But is it better than a purebred?

Whether you are looking for food for your dog or other pet supplies, Chewy.com has them all. Right now, they are even running a promotion where you get 40% OFF your first Instinct Raw Frozen autoship order.

Purebred vs. Crossbred Bichon Frise

There are pros and cons of getting both a purebred and a crossbred bichon frise.

The pros of choosing a bichon frise mixed breed include:

  • Crossbreeds are usually more widely available and cheaper.
  • It can be easier to find a crossbreed bichon available for adoption from a shelter or a foster home.
  • Many argue that crossbreeds or mixed breeds are healthier due to having “hybrid vigor” or a wider genetic pool. Sometimes this is true, but it must be added that mixed breeds can still inherit congenital problems from either of their parents.
  • Sometimes a crossbreed can have qualities that make them better suited to your lifestyle. For example, a border collie bichon frise mix will likely be larger and more active to suit a more active owner. Other mixes might suffer from less separation anxiety than a purebred.

On the other hand, the pros of choosing a purebred bichon frise include:

  • So long as you do your due diligence, it may be easier to find a quality and reputable breeder for purebred bichons. This is because mixed breeds are often from backyard breeders.
  • Choosing a dog from a reputable breeder can save you potential behavior problems or health issues, as a good breeder will screen for these problems.
  • Puppies bred specifically as designer dogs can be more or equally expensive as a purebred bichon frise.
  • A purebred bichon frise will have more predictable traits. Characteristics like a cheerful and outgoing personality, a hypoallergenic coat, and other factors that make the bichon frise unique and appealing will be more predictable in a purebred dog.
  • A well-bred bichon frise is usually quite a long-lived dog with relatively few health problems, so a mixed breed will not necessarily be healthier.

18 Bichon Frise Mixed Breeds to Consider

With the pros of each choice out of the way, let’s take a look at some popular bichon frise crossbreeds.

1. Bichon Yorkie (Bichon Frise x Yorkshire Terrier)

These bichon frise crossbreeds are very small dogs and well-suited to small places. They may have a single or a double coat. Although they will need regular grooming, their coats shouldn’t need quite as much work as the purebred bichon frise. They can be a variety of colors, including white, buff cream, or black and tan.

This mixed breed is the ultimate lapdog and an excellent choice for somebody who is home most of the day but can’t meet the needs of a bigger or more active dog. Children may be a bit rough for these little ones, so a household of one or two adults is usually best.

A gentle 15- to 30-minute stroll should be all they need for exercise. However, these are very attached little dogs that can take to barking excessively. So early socialization and training are helpful.

Learn more about Bichon Yorkie

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2. Glechon (Bichon Frise x Beagle)

The Glechon is one of the most charming bichon frise crossbreeds. Their beagle parent means they are usually larger than a bichon frise and close to medium-sized dogs.

They can inherit their coat from either parent, so they may not be hypoallergenic. However, they usually have a medium-length coat with curly or wiry hair, giving them a striking appearance. The glechon is usually a bi-color mix of white, tan, buff, and black. They have large dark eyes, large ears, and a happy-go-lucky nature.

In general, these are good dogs for a household with kids above six or seven. They have moderate exercise and training needs. Their beagle parent may make them very scent-orientated, so it is best to keep them on leash in the park as they may follow their nose anywhere.

Glechons will do best with regular playtime and being an integral part of the family. Exercise is essential as they are given to being overweight as they age.

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Buckley, 9 months

3. Bichon Collie (Bichon Frise x Border Collie)

This rare mix should be a small to medium-sized dog. They are usually either black or black and white. Bichon collies will likely have a double coat that will require regular maintenance, and they will probably not be hypoallergenic. Border collie bichon frise mixed breeds may inherit a friendly and outgoing personality from a young age. The catch is that most of them are highly intelligent and incredibly energetic.

These dogs need owners prepared to give lots of mental stimulation, training, exercise, and playtime. If they are neglected or bored, they may turn to destructive behaviors such as chewing, digging, or excessive barking. They are ideal for a hands-on owner that goes for daily walks, short jogs, or hikes.

Pet parents that enjoy a dog sport such as agility or dog dancing will also get the best out of this rare but remarkable little mix.

Learn more about Bichon Collie

4. Corgi Bichon (Bichon Frise x Corgi)

This delightful little mix is one of the least predictable when it comes to looks. They can inherit a fluffy white coat, or a delightful mess of wiry white curls.

If they come from a Pembroke Corgi, you may see more buff and white mixes, but if they come from a Welsh Corgi, they could be nearly any color, including a blue merle. Signature traits of this mix are semi-erect ears, or one ear that hangs, while the other stands straight. They also usually have a longer body with shorter legs.

These are usually smallish dogs, but they may have a penchant for barking and feistiness. Hence, a stimulating environment and early training are important. Corgis are actually herding dogs, so the corgi bichon will benefit from more activity and exercise than the average bichon frise.

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5. Maltichon (Bichon Frise x Maltese)

The Maltichon is a more common designer pup. As the bichon frise and the Maltese are already closely related, their offspring can look pretty similar to both breeds. Their coat is generally white, cream, or butt. It is medium length and can be single or double, but will likely be a good mixed breed for people with allergies.

A tiny companion dog, this is a sensitive crossbreed that is usually finely attuned with their owner. Like the Bichon Yorkie, they do best in calm environments and are not the ideal choice for a home with young children or where the pet parent is not home most of the time. They need to be close to their people and make great emotional support dogs.

Due to their sensitive natures, they also need regular socialization to build confidence with strangers and other dogs. They have low exercise needs and can do well in apartments but will enjoy a daily walk and some playtime.

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6. Shichon (Bichon Frise x Shih Tzu)

The shichon is another small designer dog that goes by several other names including zuchon and teddy bear dog. Like the latter name suggests, they are most popular for their adorable teddy bear looks, with button noses and round dark eyes. They have medium to long coats, usually with curls, that require regular grooming. Shichons are usually bi- or tri-color and are low shedders.

This bichon frise shih tzu crossbreed is a social dog that loves being part of the family and does well with other animals and older children. An ideal family dog, with intense loyalty, they are also adaptable and can be good companions for the elderly or for adults who work from home. While they love time to play and romp, their exercise requirements are relatively low.

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curious minnie

7. Doxie-Chon (Bichon Frise x Dachshund)

The doxie-chon, or the mix between the bichon frise and the dachshund, is a sparky little dog that loves to chase little animals like mice. This hunting instinct can result in digging, especially if they happen to think you have any moles in your garden. They can also be a bit mistrustful of strangers and given to barking.

If properly socialized, with a bit of training and an outlet for their tenacious attitudes, they are also wonderful companions that are suited to most households. They often bond with only one person and adore attention and loads of playtime.

In terms of looks, they are usually shaped much like a dachshund but with a softer, curlier, and longer coat and a short nose. They are often white or buff but can be any color or combination of colors. They have minimal to medium level exercise requirements and are generally vigilant little watchdogs.

Learn more about Doxie-Chon


8. Poochon (Bichon Frise x Poodle)

Like the maltichon, the bichpoo or bichdoodle or poochon is a designer dog that makes sense as its parent breeds are closely related. The size of the bichpoo depends on which size poodle is used. A standard poodle will create a more medium-sized dog, while a toy or miniature poodle cross should be quite small.

In general, these are low shedders that should be pretty hypoallergenic, although their coat may require some maintenance to keep from matting. And, attention should be given to hygiene, particularly the tear stains around their eyes.

The smaller poochons should adjust well to an apartment, provided they get adequate exercise and training. These are an active and highly intelligent breed that will benefit from frequent exercise, training, and fun activities.

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Charlie: My Poochon Puppy

9. Chi Chon (Bichon Frise x Chihuahua)

The chi chon is a wonderful mixed breed for elderly couples or for single or two-person adult homes that work from home. This chihuahua bichon frise mix is a tiny dog that usually looks a bit like a fluffy chihuahua, with a dome-shaped head, perky ears, and button nose. In some cases, they take more after the bichon frise, floppy ears, and teddy bear looks.

They may be white but are generally bi-colored with shades ranging from cream to buff tan and black. The chi chon may be more prone to nervousness and fear aggression than the bichon frise. Often this is tolerated in small dogs because of their size and their closeness with their owners. However, living with high levels of anxiety is bad for the chi chon’s mental health, so it is important that this mix is carefully socialized from a young age with loads of positive reinforcement.

When raised to be calm, they make alert and devoted little companions.

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10. Goldichon (Bichon Frise x Golden Retriever)

The goldichon is another extremely rare crossbreed because of the size difference between the bichon frise and the golden retriever. Nevertheless, there are designer breeders who choose this mix as they have so many qualities that make them ideal family dogs.

Their colors range from white to the golden retriever’s signature gold. Their coat is usually soft, medium-length, with gentle curls. They may or may not be hypoallergenic, but they usually shed less than goldens. These are medium-sized dogs that are intelligent, friendly, and adore people.

They can be mischievous and benefit from early positive training and a reasonable amount of exercise. Goldichons may do better with some space, although they can adjust to apartments if they are provided with enough exercise and stimulation. Ultimately, these are fantastic all-rounders that could do well as therapy dogs are and a good choice for a family.

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11. Pushon (Bichon Frise x Pug)

A remarkably funny little character, the pushon is a crossbreed absolutely bursting with personality. Their looks can vary, but usually, they are a small dog with pendulous ears and a short little snub nose, a bit like a monkey. They can have a short to medium length coat, that can be white, buff, or tan.

Typically, the pushon is a fun jokester who loves to play and romp. They may be a little stubborn and can lose interest in training quickly. However, they love treats and can be well motivated with food. Good apartment dogs, pushons have minimal exercise requirements but like to be close to their owners, so they should not be left alone for long periods.

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12. Papichon (Bichon Frise x Papillon)

A rare designer dog, the papichon is often startlingly pretty. They often inherit the papillon’s signature “butterfly ears,” which may be a darker color (colorpoint) with longer hair than the rest of the body.

They usually have fluffier faces and bodies than the normal papillon and can be white, buff, or the mixed colors expected in the papillon, such as tan or red combinations.

This is a delicate smaller dog, suited to small spaces. Like most companion breeds, they develop deep attachments to their owner. A large household with children and many other pets may be a bit much for them, although they are usually sweet and cheerful. They will not like being left alone, and separation anxiety or boredom can lead to problems like excessive barking or nervousness.

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13. Frenchie Bichon (Bichon Frise x French Bulldog)

This rare crossbreed of the French bulldog and bichon frise can be something of a tiny powerhouse. Looks wise, the frenchie bichon is hard to pin down. They often have short coats with long guards, giving them a slightly scraggly appearance, or they may have a soft, curly coat.

They may also have shorter noses with ears that stand up, fall over, or anything in between. Their coat color is usually some combination of black, tan, and white.

The frenchie bichon is usually a bit stubborn (and determined), alert, feisty, and tenacious. They need early socialization, as they will happily challenge any passing rottweilers or pit bulls without. Devoted and protective dogs, they are often surprisingly active and will benefit from frequent outings and activities.

This dog needs an owner as devoted to them as they are to their owners. Patient and consistent training is key with these guys. But don’t overdo it, as they generally don’t have long attention spans.

Learn more about Frenchie Bichon

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14. Chonzer (Bichon Frise x Miniature Schnauzer)

Active and alert, the chonzer, or bichon frise miniature schnauzer cross, is an ideal small watchdog who will let you know when the postman is a block away. These are intelligent dogs who will do well with a job or activity such as agility to channel their energy and their active minds. They may also be natural hunters, so keep any hamsters or guinea pigs locked up!

Generally, the chonzer is a great pet and a good family dog; however, they have slightly higher exercise needs. They are low shedders, with medium-length coats that could be wiry or soft and curly. Colors range from the snow-white of the bichon frise to shades of buff and tan, to the classic salt and pepper of the miniature schnauzer.

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15. Cavachon (Bichon Frise x Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)

The rare mix of the cavalier King Charles spaniel and the bichon frise is one of the most gorgeous of the bichon frise crossbreeds. They are low shedders and great apartment dogs, provided they get plenty of playtimes and walks. They usually have soft, curly coats that require regular brushing and can be white, cream, buff, red, or pied. Sometimes they do have longer coats that need more attention.

Cavachons can do well with children but should be supervised because of their size. They thrive on attention and being close to their owners. Plenty of one-on-one playtimes will bring out the best in the relationship between a cavachon and their human.

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Happiness is a tennis ball

16. Havachon (Bichon Frise x Havanese)

Since the Havanese and bichon frise are closely related, the havachon is a more uniform crossbreed than many of the others. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of variation in their looks. Their coats can be dense, curly, and short to long. Colors are usually white but can be pied with other colors, including buff, cream, black, or silver.

They need patient training in short bursts with plenty of positive reinforcement. Bored havachons can take to barking excessively, so they do well with exercise and stimulation. Like their parent breeds, they are primarily companions, and they need their owners to be home and present as much as possible.

Havachons do not need excessive exercise, and short daily walks should suffice. They can adjust to living in apartments but do not do well if left on their own for too long.

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Havachon (male)

17. Bichon-a-ranian (Bichon Frise x Pomeranian)

This fantastic little crossbreed is the ultimate lapdog. Spunky, feisty, with a love of fun and zooming around your apartment, the bichon-a-ranian is a great breed for a homebody who enjoys the companionship of a tiny ball of fluff.

With their thick coats, these designer dogs usually need quite a bit of grooming, and their small size makes themes vulnerable to injury. Still, they are intelligent and do well in training, provided that it is gentle and positive. Although they are active, a daily walk around the block should be enough for them. They may not be hypoallergenic, though, so this might not be the best dog for allergy sufferers.

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18. Afghan Chon (Bichon Frise x Afghan Hound)

Elegant, gentle, soulful, with a touch of spunk and general friendliness, the Afghan Chon deserves a mention because of the unusual mix of dogs that goes into this rare designer mix. A medium-sized dog with a delicate, lean frame, they usually have thick, soft curls. Afghan Chons can be white, cream, but also any of the accepted Afghan Hound colors such as silver or black.

Although deeply sensitive, they may not be easy to train and will need gentle guidance and consistency. Their hound blood means they may love to chase after anything that moves, and they are gifted sprinters, so they will need regular opportunities to run in safe areas. However, at home, they should be calm and quiet companions.



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Which Bichon Frise Crossbreed Should You Get?

There are several factors involved in picking the right bichon crossbreed. Firstly, it’s essential to consider your lifestyle and your household. You can start narrowing it down by assessing the following:

  • How many hours are you away from home each day, and is there somebody at home while you are gone?
  • How many other pets do you have?
  • Are there any young children in the household?
  • How much time do you have for training, socialization, and exercise?
  • Do you have neighbors that could be bothered by excessive barking?
  • Does anybody in your household have allergies? Or do any frequent visitors to your home have allergies that might make it difficult for them to visit?
  • Do you need an alert dog, or would you prefer a dog that is quite laid back?

Once you have assessed your lifestyle and narrowed down what you need in a dog, you can look at bichon cross breeds and assess how they may meet your criteria. For instance:

  • Smaller, more delicate cross breeds such as the maltichon, chichon, bichon yorkie, or papichon are better for smaller spaces like apartments and a calm environment. They will thrive in small households with adults who are at home most of the time and who are prepared to meet their grooming needs. They also have minimal exercise needs and should not be overexerted.
  • Crossbreeds bred with bigger, people-loving dogs, like the goldichon or glechon are ideal for family environments with other pets and children. They may also need more space.
  • There may be no such thing as a truly allergenic dog, however, crossbreeds such as the maltichon and the bichpoo are extremely low shedders and greatly reduce the risk of constant sniffles.
  • If you are a more active person that enjoys hikes and a bit of jogging, looking for a crossbreed like a bichon border collie mix or a goldichon may get you a companion that is more capable of keeping up.

No crossbreed (or any breed) can guarantee that you might not run into behavior problems. Therefore, training, socialization, and frequent play and exercise are vital to help any dog stay well-behaved and well adjusted.


If you are looking for a pet with all the ideal traits of a bichon frise, it is best to find a purebred puppy from a good breeder. This will ensure you have a better idea of the temperament, exercise requirements, and looks of the dog you are getting.

Crossbreeds make fantastic pets, but they are more open to surprises because their genetics are more variable. They do have several benefits though, as they are often cheaper, more widely available for adoption, and sometimes healthier than purebreds.

If you like the bichon frise, but are looking for additional traits, such as a bigger or a more athletic dog, then a crossbreed can be your answer. However, be sure to do your research, as a mixed breed can inherit any trait, good or bad, from either parent.

Before making your final decision, keep in mind that there are other bichon frise mixed breeds including the following too:

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